Two are better than one… If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken

Ecclesiastes 4

The Three Components



Resident Dinner & Discussion Night

Residents are welcomed at a weekly dinner and discussion. Some weeks we will host guests that share their experiences of how faith and work integrate in the workplace. Other weeks we will look at and discuss the balance of faith, life, family and career.

Full Participation in the Life of the Church Community

Residents are incorporated into the life of the church, being able to grow into relationships and participate in fellowship and study offerings offered seasonally.

Disciple HS students in weekly Small Groups

Residents will become part of the established student ministry leadership team as they are matched with a high school small group to lead, disciple and help grow student’s faith.

National Q Conference (Nashville, TN)

The Resident’s year will culminate in celebrating together in Nashville, as we participate in the National Q Conference.



Work in your desired field without the constant burden of housing costs

Residents will be able to enter into their chosen career, in a full time or multiple part-time capacity in order to learn the different work environments & corporate cultures- from the inside. You will gain valuable experience, allowing you to discern the best job fit - without having to bear the burden/stress of high Metro Washington DC housing costs in the process.

Receive Vocational Testing and Counseling

Included as part of your Residency is the comprehensive Abilities Potential Test and the follow up consultation and report documentation. This testing tool gives you quantitative metrics to help you understand how you think, communicate, learn and work.

Trinity Forum Participation

Residents will attend the monthly Trinity Forum symposiums in downtown Washington DC, hearing and discussing how Faith and Culture intersect in the real world.



Housing Provided by Loving Host Family

A huge component of the Residency is the housing provided. Much more than just a cost savings in your first year, this is a huge way in which the Lord can encourage and support you. Host families love Christ and have chosen to love you, pray for you and be available as much as you desire. Overarching principle- you are NOT alone.

Get Matched with a Mentor

Every Resident will get paired with a spiritual/professional mentor that loves Jesus and will walk with you through your residency, encouraging you, praying for you and helping you grow through the ups and downs of your first year in the workforce.

Financial Education Consultation

A huge part of beginning successfully will be to have the opportunity to learn some basics and some more sophisticated ways to manage the resources that the Lord will entrust to you. Residents will have the opportunity to get some practical skills in handling your finances.


Residents Typical Week 2020-2021.jpg


Every journey begins with a step! If interested to find out more, please contact us to set up a time to meet and get to know one another, and field any questions you may have before proceeding.

If you we have already met and spoken and discerned that this may be the right steps for you, please apply soon - as Resident spots are limited.